Breaking News = Germany!
By mickeyson.
on 21 March 2010
5:32 PM
, in
outter space
1 Comment
Who is this young man below me? O yes, the one that speaks freely on his values, and his violets, and what a shelter he has built for us all. An ironman at heart--> and into the night he goes, freewheeled, like 4x4's and shit. His name is Volker Speckhardt and he is an amazing soul with much love for cooking, and teaching. A very well rounded individual when it it comes to common term and common term strictly. "We jump high, and we live mighty, in front of backdrops elsewhere, we cheers each other with our precious elbows flared out to the side, about lip high, and we gaze into each others eyes..." says Speckhardt. This German is also recently engaged, which will indeed start a new chapter in his young heart.
let us wish Volker on his new found glory, his one and only, and his marry little whey

Every time I've second guessed this--> I just know I'm out of my life, and into my mind - to post and worship, to create cornerstones for their children and make happy time as a friendly neighbor - the kind that mows your grass with out permission.
I found sacks of rice nailed to the walls and cracker crumbs at the foot of his bed, he laid there frail, and drenched in his own sweat, like a president. Me and my team at the time helped bring life back into this young man. Volker happens to be our greatest success yet, and may his heart always be blessed for just that reason. Long live Jesus.
I know you were just joking with the cracker crumbs....but mentioning Jesus?
Jesus??!!!! Come on now you're making him mad