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very rare list has resurfaced after nearly 106 years! read full story @
Dat Bitch: Monica Lewinsky
This is the first entry to what will become a weekly feature called, "Dat Bitch". Each Dat Bitch will be written by a Latiqua, a very angry and culturally-aware half black, half puerto-rican woman from the Bronx.
Dat Bitch: Monica Lewinsky
"Can Dat Bitcch die already? I'm so tired of her fat ass. One Blowjob! One fucking BJ. Really, I'm sure dat bitch's head wasnt that good that she deserves publicity going on 14 years for sucking Bill Clinton's dick. Really! Please once and for all, let dat bitch die!!"
Monica Lewinsky makes a rare public appearance for lunchdate with showbiz friends | Mail Online
Dear Phil Spector: Enjoy Getting Fucked In The Ass For The Rest Of Your Shitty Life
Prison mug shot reveals a different Phil Spector -
Your new daddy will not care how many Grammys you have, or how many square feet your mansion was. Just grab your ankles and hope he's a quick shooter.
Love, /crabcakes/
A Hidden Reality
If you're a fat, 52 year old, piece of shit, who sits around in sweatpants, eating toast with cheese-whiz, whose sole income is disability and gives in to the temptations of child porn when feeling down like myself. Then you probably know and worship the long running, late night, AM radio, sci-fi programme, Coast to Coast hosted by the paranormal papal duo of Art Bell (a true god) and George Noory (I shook his hand in Albuquerque once). This show has been not only a companion for me during the wee hours of the morning but also a source that reveals the supressed truths that are 'out there'. However I have recently stumbled upon this new site that explores subjects which are too sensitive for the mainstream media... that Obama knows about and Ted Kennedy knew about until 'they' erased his memory, which by the way was covered up by a so called 'brain tumor'... he was gonna talk but 'they' (here's a secret surveillance video from their bunker at the center of the Earth, one of them I believe is listing celebrities on their hitlist) stopped him. Charles Schulz knew but he wasn't as fortunate as Mr. Kennedy. Anyways back on topic... just have a look for yourself here at the Atlas Obscura. Where they map out P.P.O.I (paranormal points of interest) like where a family lived in Kentucky that had 4 blue skinned children or the site of a mothman sighting or a nuclear blast sight that has been covered by a giant concrete dome. This is the real 'truth' this is what 'they' (here's another video where 'they' candidly give a tour of their top secret bunker) don't want you to see. So I suggest you take a browse for yourself and remember 'we are not alone'.